Security is a top priority for many businesses, but the speed at which the cybersecurity landscape is evolving and the increasing sophistication of cyberattacks means a detailed understanding of where some of the biggest risks are coming from is limited amongst many CISOs and IT managers.

By 2025, the cost of cybercrime for businesses is predicted to reach $10.5 trillion, up from $8 trillion in 2023. Despite this trend, many businesses are overlooking and neglecting high-risk areas such as print security, inadvertently leaving them subject to attacks.

In fact, according to research from Quocirca, printed documents represent nearly one third (27%) of IT security incidents, yet print security is low on the agenda when compared to other elements of the technology stack like cloud, email, and public networks.

Despite this fact, 61% of organizations have experienced data losses due to unsecure printing practices over the past year. At a time where cyberattacks are on the rise, and will become increasingly common, it is critical that businesses do not overlook the importance of securing the print environment as a crucial building block for a robust security infrastructure.

The impact of hybrid working

To address the evolving security challenges posed by people working both in the office and remotely, businesses need to implement additional measures to safeguard their networks and the sensitive information that travels on them.

When everyone worked in the office full-time, organizations heavily relied on traditional security measures to protect their documents, including office security, traditional password encryption, network security and firewalls. In fact, recent research from Quocirca found that 39% of organizations are finding it harder and harder to keep up with print security demands as the workplace has evolved into the hybrid spaces they are today.2

The combination of remote and office working has increased the use of personal and mobile devices, which are not protected by the organization’s robust security infrastructure. This leaves private end-user devices susceptible to breaches when working away from the office. As a result, security leaders are forced to reassess their cybersecurity strategies to specifically address document protection in this new landscape.

This is highlighted in a recent report from IDC, which shows that 43% of respondents cite security vulnerabilities and the ability to ensure that at-home print devices are compliant with corporate governance and security policies as a top challenge. With employees printing documents from their own homes and personal devices, the risks of potential data breaches and unauthorized access have significantly increased.

This paradigm shift in work dynamics calls for a more robust approach to print security. Organisations must adapt to the reality that sensitive documents may be accessed and printed on various remote devices that do not have the same level of protection as the wider business network. Consequently, security leaders are now tasked with reimagining their strategies, implementing measures to secure documents at every stage of their lifecycle, whether printed or electronic, and regardless of the device used or where it is located.

Robust security measures are the key for hybrid workplace safety

It’s imperative for organizations that don’t currently have robust measures in place to safeguard their documents sooner rather than later. Third-party providers can play a significant role in enhancing secure practices around remote printing devices. While many organizations already invest in third party services, only 32% are satisfied with their security offerings. As such, it is crucial for organizations to work with vendors that prioritize security from the ground up, ensuring it is implemented at every stage of the printing process.

Businesses should aim for services that offer a comprehensive, 360-degree approach to security, covering devices, software, networks, and cloud-based services. Many lean on third-party vendors that specialize in secure information management, to help ensure that sensitive documents are protected throughout their lifecycle, from storage and transmission to printing and disposal.

Leveraging external expertise can help strengthen organizational print security measures, promote a holistic approach to print security, and ensure a culture of secure practices is in place. In doing so, businesses can mitigate cyber-attacks by safeguarding the confidentiality and integrity of their printed materials, particularly when using remote end-devices.

Prioritizing print security for your business

It goes without saying that the safe moving and sharing of documents must be a crucial part of workplace security. Implementing robust measures to safeguard sensitive documents is essential to mitigate potential risks and vulnerabilities. This includes adopting a comprehensive approach that covers devices, software, networks, and cloud-based services.

By recognizing the importance of securing the print environment and implementing a proactive strategy, businesses can adopt a holistic 360-degree approach to print security and mitigate the risks of cyber-attacks from the ground up.

If you are looking for an expert to help you find the best solutions for your business talk to GCInfotech about a free technology assessment

Published with consideration from TechRadar SOURCE

Now, more than ever, it is crucial to prioritize investments in advanced threat intelligence, monitoring systems, and ongoing employee training.

In 2023, there has been a concerning surge in data breaches. During the second quarter of 2023, over 110 million accounts were compromised, a staggering 2,6 times more than in the first quarter of the year. Recent findings reveal that the average cost of a data leak has reached $4.45 million, including both direct costs, such as fines and legal proceedings, as well as indirect like reputational damage.

The good news is that the causes of such breaches are often trivial and are under your control, like neglecting to change passwords or using overly simplistic ones, or overlooking the deactivation of access by a fired employee. Businesses can readily mitigate risks to safeguard themselves from both data and the subsequent financial losses. So, what are the most common reasons for data leaks, and how can they be effectively handled?

Cloud misconfigurations

According to IBM, 82% of breaches involve information stored in the cloud. Cloud misconfigurations can lead to data exposure or even compromise entire environments. They take various forms, including improperly configured storage buckets, insecure access controls, and mismanaged encryption settings. These errors often stem from a lack of understanding of the cloud service provider’s security features or oversight during the configuration process. Attackers exploit these vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information.


– Adhere to recommendations from your cloud service provider, such as AWS, Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud. This includes configuring security groups, setting up proper identity and access management, and implementing encryption for data both in transit and at rest.

– Implement automated tools for configuring and enforcing security policies. For example, in Kubernetes clusters you may use Gatekeeper or Kyverno. They can significantly reduce the risk of human error.

– Additionally, look for software solutions and scripts to regularly check your cloud configuration against best practices and compliance standards.

Lack of permissions control

The human element remains a significant factor in 74% of data breaches, and the common reason is the lack of proper permissions control. It means that users may have access to data and systems beyond what is necessary for their roles.

The primary issues associated with this challenge include overprivileged accounts, with users having more permissions than necessary, thereby expanding the attack surface. Additionally, there is a concern about proper segregation of duties. For example, a single user may have the right to both create and approve transactions. This leads to an increased risk of fraudulent activities. Outdated settings also contribute to the problem. Imagine a fired support employee still having access to the company’s database. They could potentially download and sell sensitive data to competitors.


– Implement least privilege concept to ensure that users and applications have only the minimum level of access required to perform their tasks.

– Utilize role-based access control to assign permissions based on job roles. This way your team members will only see resources and data necessary for their specific responsibilities.

– Implement multi factor authentication by requiring users to provide multiple forms of identification before gaining access. Even if login credentials are compromised, MFA adds an additional security barrier.

Infrequent software updates

Outdated software often contains known vulnerabilities. When businesses fail to regularly update, they leave a window of opportunity for cybercriminals. An illustrative case is Memcached, a widely utilized distributed memory-caching system for enhancing the performance of dynamic, database-driven websites. Vulnerabilities in this software were uncovered in 2016, however, it wasn’t until 2018 when a novel method for DDoS attack amplification using Memcached was exploited in notable network incidents.


– Update at least once in half a year. Ideally, implement a patch management policy that outlines procedures for identifying, testing, and deploying software updates in a timely and systematic manner.

– Utilize automated tools to streamline the process. Automation helps to guarantee that patches are deployed consistently across all systems.

Insufficient perimeter control

This risk refers to a situation when an organization’s network boundaries are not adequately secured, allowing for potential unauthorized access to critical information or systems. The network perimeter serves as the first line of defense against external threats. Today, it extends to cloud services, remote users and mobile devices. The attack surface has expanded even further with the proliferation of the Internet of Things. From smart thermostats to industrial sensors, these gadgets often become attractive targets for hackers. Recently, it was reported that the number of IoT devices involved in botnet-driven DDoS attacks had risen from around 200,000 a year ago to approximately 1 million.


– Deploy firewalls (such as Web Application Firewall) at network entry points to control and monitor incoming and outgoing traffic. Configuring them correctly allows only authorized and necessary communication.

– Implement Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS) to detect unusual or suspicious activities within the network. They can automatically respond to potential threats, mitigating risks in real-time.

– Add encryption for data transmitted over networks, including local networks, for an extra layer of protection. This way, intercepted data remains unreadable without the proper decryption keys.

Other emerging threats

Among other emerging threats is the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence. Cybercriminals use it to assess attack strategies, significantly increasing their chances of success. It is also used to amplify the speed, scale, and reach of their attacks. For example, hackers now use cutting-edge AI to create convincing phishing campaigns in nearly any language, even those with fewer historical attack attempts due to their complexity.

While there are also other cyber threats, in reality, businesses rarely face them as they are typically targeted at large corporations, government systems and critical infrastructure with top grade security. These include advanced persistent threats (APTs) orchestrated by well-funded and persistent criminals and characterized by their long-term presence within a target network. Usually, these are state-sponsored cyberattacks driven by political, economic, or espionage motives.

Safeguarding your business: universal tips

Apart from all the measures already listed, there are a few general rules to keep your business protected. First of all, conduct regular security audits and assessments, whether they concern cloud infrastructure, the status of software updates, user permissions or the overall effectiveness of perimeter control. External audits or penetration testing can also help in evaluating the organization’s security posture.

Second, invest in advanced intelligence and monitoring solutions. They can detect threats and respond in real-time. Such systems can use machine learning, behavioral analytics, and pattern recognition to establish a baseline of normal network behavior and detect deviations. Upon identifying a potential threat, the system will automatically trigger response mechanisms: block suspicious traffic, isolate compromised devices, or alert security personnel for further investigation.

Third, regularly train your employees to recognize and counteract threats, especially phishing. The latter remains one of the most common methods used by cybercriminals to gain access to sensitive data.

The effective employee training comprises two key elements, which I refer to as the “stick” and the “carrot.”

The “stick” involves educating all team members on the company’s security policies and legislative initiatives, such as GDPR. It emphasizes the collective responsibility in safeguarding confidential data, which extends beyond the information security department’s duty. Training sessions should explain the consequences of breaches, including potential fines and even dismissals. It is important to conduct these events at least once in two years, if not more often. Moreover, businesses should incorporate them into the onboarding process for new employees.

The “carrot” aspect involves workshops, meetups, and webinars focused on various cyberattacks and the latest advancements in information security. This facet of training is designed to be more engaging and enjoyable. It may include some interactive activities, such as online games and simulations. Guest speakers can take part in these events, for example, employees from the IT department, representatives from other divisions sharing insightful cases, and external market experts.

Through the combined “stick” and “carrot” measures, team members cultivate a collective immunity to information security issues, fostering a culture of mutual accountability.

And, of course, always keep abreast of the latest cyber trends to develop countermeasures in time.

If you are looking for an expert to help you find the best solutions for your business talk to GCInfotech about a free technology assessment

Published with consideration from TechRadar SOURCE

There is no specific length of time a router will last; your router doesn’t have an expiry date. However, it is generally accepted that a standard Wi-Fi router will last between five and ten years.

As with all technology, numerous factors affect the lifespan of a router, such as how well it is looked after and maintained, where it is kept, its workload, and more.

Another mitigating factor is age itself and whether your router works with the latest Wi-Fi standards used by your other devices. It’s no use buying the latest and greatest laptop with Wi-Fi 6E technology if your Wi-Fi router is stuck using Wi-Fi 5. It simply won’t be able to deliver the Wi-Fi speeds you expect.

In addition, age itself typically means dirt and dust. You can have a perfectly clean house (or other local environment), but over the years, dust will find its way into your router and begin slowly degrading your router hardware. Unlike most other computer hardware, a Wi-Fi router isn’t on most folks’ “take apart and spring clean” list.

Should You Upgrade Your Router When New Wi-Fi Standards Launch?

In a word, no. At least, not immediately, and there are a few reasons for this.

First, when a new Wi-Fi standard launches, it takes years for it to reach production. For example, Wi-Fi 6E launched in 2020, but it took until 2022 for most manufacturers (routers and other hardware) to start using the standard. When Wi-Fi 7 launches (expected 2024), it’ll take at least one year for devices to start using the new standard, so there isn’t an automatic rush to upgrade.

But there are some other reasons you’ll want to upgrade your router.

  1. Network Performance: A newer router should deliver greater network performance across the board. It’s not just the potential to use a new Wi-Fi standard; all the hardware in your new router will be upgraded and deliver better Wi-Fi, process data faster, handle more devices, and so on.
  2. Security: Newer routers often come with improved security features and better network management tools. If your current router is outdated in these areas, upgrading can provide both performance and security benefits. For example, a new router will likely support WPA3, the latest Wi-Fi security standard.
  3. Reliability: New routers are often more reliable and less prone to issues like random disconnections or the need for frequent restarts. When your old Wi-Fi router can’t maintain a proper connection, upgrading to a new router will feel like stepping into the future.
  4. Compatibility: Your old router might not have what it takes to handle gigabit Ethernet, which will limit your Wi-Fi speeds.
  5. Future Proofing: As stated, Wi-Fi standards take a while to filter through, and that applies to your devices, too. Upgrading an old router will protect against future changes for many years to come, especially given how long a router lasts.

Even though routers last for up to ten years, there are some good reasons why you should upgrade your router in the interim. Just be sure to consider your current and future needs before ditching your old router.

If you are looking for an expert to help you find the best solutions for your business talk to GCInfotech about a free technology assessment

Published with consideration from MUO SOURCE