Request a free IT Assessment

Free consultation submission

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As a prospective customer we would like to offer you a custom assessment report about your computer systems for FREE.

The report will assess your current IT systems management and security. We will evaluate how they are used and maintained, anticipate your future needs, and make any appropriate recommendations.

This is not a standardized report. You will receive a custom set of advice based upon your unique business practices and processes. An experienced technology analyst will prepare and deliver your report.

This free assessment is the ideal way to understand the current security, reliability, and capacity of your system. It is also a great report to have to review your current system prior to an upgrade.

Your Free Assessment includes:

  • Executive Summary Health Report
    • Current status of your network.
    • Security Assessment
    • Includes Patch Management Report and Status
  • Complete Inventory Report
    • Detailed Hardware Asset Report on each system
    • Detailed Software Asset Report by System and Summary Report
  • Strategic technology recommendations based upon your business requirements.
    • Anticipated needs for your network.
    • Analysis of Internet connectivity and remote capabilities.
    • Projected IT budget for planning purposes.

Why do we offer a personalized report at no cost?

We have found that most companies are seeking an IT firm they can trust and that will continue to provide ongoing and reliable service. We offer a free report to establish our credibility with you and show you what we can do.

At GCInfotech, we believe that we are the best solution for providing technology services to small and medium businesses. This is why we do not mind making an investment before our clients know precisely what we can offer. In this way…

…we develop our business by establishing a working relationship, and proving our value one step at a time

Due to the high demand for the free Technology Assessment, we can now only offer this service to a very limited number of prospective companies each month. Companies requesting this service can qualify either by having five or more PC’s and at least one server, or must be considering the possibility of installing a server.

There is no obligation to purchase our solutions or work with us after you receive your assessment. You have nothing to lose – only faster, more computer systems to gain.

Complete the fields below and we will contact you within 24 hours to get your assessment started.

We respect your privacy and never sell or rent information to anybody. Signing up for this report will not result in more spam! We guarantee it!