Entries by John Murray


How can businesses best mitigate against ransomware threats?

Ransomware casts a long shadow in today’s digital landscape, threatening businesses of all sizes with data paralysis, operational interruption, reputational damage and severe financial repercussions. The problem is particularly serious for mid-market organizations, with over half (57%) admitting they don’t regularly review and replace legacy systems, and a similar number (57%) failing to patch their […]

Should you use private browsers to protect your online privacy?

Maintaining your privacy and security online can be a daunting task, especially when considering the vast amount of personal data we share on the internet. Private browsers use various techniques to protect your information from being tracked, collected, or shared. This makes them another viable option to protect your online anonymity and security. What is […]

Understanding the role of cyber insurance

The evolving cyberthreat landscape poses a significant risk to small businesses. Cybercriminals often target such businesses due to the valuable data they possess and possibly less advanced security measures. To protect themselves, small businesses often implement safeguards including firewalls, data backups, and ongoing cybersecurity training for employees. However, these solutions alone may not be sufficient […]

Combat phishing with Microsoft 365 Defender

Phishing might sound complicated, but the basic concept is simple: deception. Criminals try to trick you into revealing personal information or clicking on dangerous links. This blog will equip you with the knowledge to recognize phishing attempts and leverage Microsoft 365 Defender’s advanced protection to stay safe online. The rising tide of phishing attacks Phishing […]

Dispelling common misconceptions about disaster recovery for modern businesses

Disasters come in various forms, from malicious cyberattacks to unexpected system failures to natural calamities. With these threats becoming increasingly common, businesses must navigate through a maze of myths and misconceptions surrounding disaster recovery. Here are the top six disaster recovery myths you should be aware of. Myth 1: Disaster recovery is only necessary for […]

Web conversion tips to boost your online success

For many of today’s website operators, boosting conversion rates is one of the primary goals. Transforming casual visitors into loyal customers is, after all, the ultimate aim of maintaining an online presence. To facilitate this crucial mission, we present these five practical tips you can immediately implement to boost your site’s conversion rate. Keep it […]


Most essential cybersecurity training topics to safeguard your business

It’s no secret that cybersecurity has become a necessity for small businesses. As the threat landscape continues to evolve, grasping the fundamentals of cybersecurity is not only crucial for safeguarding your operations, but also for keeping your business from becoming a gateway to more widespread attacks. Knowledge is the key, and with the right cybersecurity […]

Key tips for boosting online security

The digital landscape is riddled with threats: malware attacks, phishing scams, and data breaches are just a few. But by taking a proactive approach to cybersecurity, you can significantly reduce your risk and keep your business safe. Here’s a guide to fortifying your online defenses. Create strong, unique passwords Passwords are your first line of […]


SMBs are being hit with more malware attacks than ever, and many can’t keep up

Between infostealers, ransomware, and BEC attacks, SMBs are having a hard time remaining secure Information-stealing malware, ransomware, and business email compromise (BEC), remain the three biggest cyber-threats small and medium-sized businesses (SMB) are facing, a new report from Sophos has warned. The company claims almost half of all malware detected on SMB endpoints last year were […]


Online employee monitoring: Should businesses implement it?

Employee monitoring has become a widely debated topic today. With advancements in technology and the increasing reliance on digital communication and work platforms, many employers are choosing to monitor their employees’ activities. This practice has many benefits, but it’s not without drawbacks. Here, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of online employee monitoring to help […]