Tag Archive for: Hardware

With time, pesky dust and dirt build up sneakily within your device and can lead to overheating or failure. Heed our expert advice and make your computer’s care a breeze.

Regularly clean computer components

Make it a habit to keep your monitors and peripherals clean by gently wiping them with a microfiber cloth specifically designed for computer components. This ensures a static-free and scratchless cleaning experience. And when it comes to cleaning hard-to-reach areas like keyboard surfaces, a quick blast from a can of compressed air works wonders.

Don’t underestimate the power of frequent cleanings. Excessive dust accumulation can hinder a computer’s airflow, impacting its performance. Moreover, make sure to keep your workstation out of direct sunlight or heat exposure and ensure proper ventilation for optimal performance.

Properly organize your cables

It’s time to bring order to the chaos of tangled wires in your office by using cable organizers. Not only does organizing your cables keep your workspace tidy and uncluttered, but it also boosts your computer’s performance by preventing overheating and improving airflow.

And if you’re planning to move your workstation sometime in the future, streamlining your computer setup now can minimize the hassle of relocating later. Keeping those wires in order can save time, energy, and plenty of headaches down the road!

Don’t forget your printers

Printer maintenance is an important part of keeping your device in top condition. Take the time to deep-clean the outside and inside of your printers, paying special attention to paper trays, which tend to accumulate dirt. You should also clean and inspect parts and accessories such as printheads and cartridges, and make necessary repairs or replacements if needed. Lastly, to ensure the best performance from your printing devices, remember to download any available software updates immediately before putting them back into action.

Evaluate your inventory

An accurate record of all your hardware can help you optimize their life cycles and can inform purchasing practices. Maintain an accurate inventory list of all of your business’s devices, including details such as device type, serial numbers, owners, and locations.

Keeping track of your hardware will help prevent buying items already on hand while also allowing you to identify those that are nearing the end of their life span.

Establish and implement a robust hardware policy

Implementing a solid hardware policy and technology guidelines can help your organization reduce the need for costly repairs in the future. By providing clear instructions on how to use, store, and replace equipment properly, you can ensure that all of your business-critical resources are well maintained. It’s ideal to establish these protocols now to efficiently manage both current and upcoming maintenance needs.

If you’re having trouble maintaining or updating your computer and other business hardware, our team of experts is here to help. Contact us today to find out what solutions we can offer you.

If you are looking for an expert to help you find the best solutions for your business talk to GCInfotech about a free technology assessment

Published with consideration from TechAdvisory.org SOURCE

It’s no secret that a clean work environment is more productive than a cluttered one. The same principle applies to your computer and mobile devices. If you allow them to accumulate dirt and dust, you’re going to start seeing glitches and hardware failures — both of which will affect your productivity. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some tips for cleaning your computer and mobile devices to maximize your productivity.

Desktop monitors

You spend several hours looking at your computer monitor, but have you ever thought about how much dust and dirt may be collecting on the screen? To keep your monitor looking bright and clear, gently wipe your monitor down with a soft and lint-free cloth, like a microfiber cloth. Don’t press too hard on the display, as this could damage the pixels on the monitor.

You can also use a mild cleaner specifically made for monitors if you have stubborn dirt or smudges that won’t come off. Don’t spray the cleaner directly on the monitor, instead spray a small amount of cleaner onto the cloth. Avoid using paper towels or harsh cleaning materials, as these can damage the screen.

Laptop and mobile screens

Like desktop monitors, laptop and mobile device screens need to be cleaned. You can also use a microfiber cloth to wipe the display. For tougher dirt or smudges, you can dip the cloth in a small amount of water or a mild cleaner, then squeeze the cloth to remove any excess liquid before using it to clean the device.

Some people suggest rubbing alcohol to remove fingerprints and disinfect screens. While this will work for some devices, many manufacturers advise against this because the alcohol can wear down the protective film on some screens.

Be sure to avoid using too much liquid or scrubbing too hard, as this could damage the display or cause malfunctions, which can be costly to repair. Also, don’t splash water directly onto the device, as this could damage electrical components, which can void your device warranty.

If you find dust or gunk in the edges or cracks of your screen, take the device to a mobile shop for a more thorough cleaning. Do not open the laptop or smartphone yourself, as this could also void the warranty.


Before you start cleaning your keyboard, be sure to unplug it. Then gently run cotton swabs dipped in water or rubbing alcohol over the surface of the keys to get rid of accumulated dirt and debris.

To remove dirt between keys, you can use a keyboard brush or compressed air, which you can buy at most office supply and computer stores. Use caution when using compressed air, as excessive force can damage the keys and circuitry.

To keep your keyboard clean, you can purchase a silicone cover that fits snugly over your keyboard. This will not only reduce dirt and dust, but it can also protect against spills or wear and tear on the keys.

Computer mice

Mice, like keyboards, can harbor a lot of dirt and grime from dust and your fingers. To clean it, unplug the mouse then use cotton swabs dipped in rubbing alcohol to clean the surface. To clean the underside of the mouse, you can use a cotton swab to dislodge dust and dirt from the sensor.

Computer towers

Before you start cleaning your computer tower, unplug it from the wall and any other connected devices. To clean dust and dirt off the exterior of the case, use a soft cloth or non-static duster. Be careful when cleaning around ports and other components, as you don’t want to damage them.

Dust can also clog up cooling fans, which can cause your computer to overheat. If you want to clean the fans, you can use compressed air or a dry cloth. Try not to use too much force, as this could cause the fan to break.

By following these steps and taking proper care of your work devices, you can extend their life and keep them running smoothly. If you want more advice on how to optimize your IT, our technicians are here to help. Call us today.

If you are looking for an expert to help you find the best solutions for your business talk to GCInfotech about a free technology assessment

Published with consideration from TechAdvisory.org SOURCE

Securing your small business is a never-ending battle, but there are some steps you can take to make it a little bit easier. One of those steps is making sure your firmware is up to date. But what is firmware and why is it crucial to update it regularly? Read on to learn more.

What does firmware do?

Firmware is a type of software that is stored on read-only memory (ROM) chips. It is used to control the hardware of a device, such as a computer, and is typically permanently programmed into the ROM. Firmware is different from other types of software, such as application software and operating system software, as it is designed to work with specific hardware components and cannot be easily transferred to another device.

Firmware typically contains instructions for how the hardware should interact with the rest of the system, as well as low-level routines for tasks such as booting up the device or managing memory. While firmware can be updated, it is usually more difficult than updating other types of software, and in some cases may require special equipment or knowledge. As a result, firmware updates are often reserved for fixing critical bugs or adding new features to the hardware.

Why is it crucial to upgrade firmware?

Microsoft’s 2021 Security Signals report warns that firmware attacks are increasing. These types of attacks force malware onto computer systems in order to disrupt the firmware on motherboards or hardware drivers. They can use such malware to remotely control the infected devices, extract data, and even block users from their devices and systems.

Updating your business devices’ firmware ensures that everyone is using the most recent version of the firmware. This can help prevent data breaches, as well as keep your devices running smoothly. In addition, updating firmware can help improve compatibility with other devices and software, as well as provide new features and bug fixes. In this way, updated firmware protects your business and maintains peak device performance.

What is the best way to install firmware updates?

The procedure for upgrading firmware varies from device to device. On iOS and Android devices, you may simply download and install firmware upgrades. However, devices such as routers will require firmware updates that can only be accessed from the manufacturer’s website or administrative console.

Updating the firmware may be time-consuming and laborious. Firmware updates might cause your devices to be reset, resulting in lost customizations on your computers, routers, and other devices. Additionally, you could also risk damaging your equipment if you do not follow the manufacturer’s instructions to the letter.

Firmware updates are an important part of keeping your business secure, and it’s something that you should be doing on a regular basis. This task can be daunting, but it’s a crucial step that should not be ignored. If you need help getting started, contact us today. Our IT experts are here to guide you.

If you are looking for an expert to help you find the best solutions for your business talk to GCInfotech about a free technology assessment

Published with consideration from TechAdvisory.org SOURCE

Allowing work PCs and mobile devices to accumulate dirt can lead to glitches and hardware failures, both of which can affect productivity. To avoid these issues, you must properly maintain your work devices. Here are a few tips to keep them clean.

Desktop monitors

You spend several hours looking at your computer monitor, so it’s important to make sure it doesn’t have any dust or smudges. To clean your monitor, turn it off first and gently wipe the screen with a microfiber cloth.

If there are still spots, try dampening the cloth before wiping but make sure you don’t spray water onto the screen. Don’t press too hard on the display, as this could damage the pixels on the monitor. Also, don’t use paper products like napkins or tissues, as they can leave a residue and scratch the monitor.

Mobile screens

Mobile devices will usually accumulate fingerprints. The best way to clean your mobile device’s screen is to wipe it down a microfiber cloth. For tougher spots, dip the cloth in a small amount of water and then gently wipe the screen. Don’t splash water onto the device itself, as the liquid could get inside and damage internal components, which can void your warranty.

Some people suggest rubbing alcohol to remove fingerprints and disinfect the device. While this will work for some screens, many manufacturers advise against this because the alcohol can wear down the protective film on some devices.

If you find dust or gunk in the edges or cracks of your screen, take the device to a mobile shop for more thorough cleaning. Do not open the device yourself, as this could also void the warranty.


Debris and dirt can accumulate between the keys of your keyboard. Before you start cleaning your keyboard, be sure to unplug it. Then gently run cotton swabs dipped in water or rubbing alcohol over the keys.

To remove dirt between keys, you can use a keyboard brush or compressed air, which can be purchased at most office supply and computer stores. Spraying compressed air in between keys should be enough to get rid of most of the dust and grit.

Computer mice

Similar to the keyboard, mice can get quite dirty with grime from dust and your fingers. To clean a mouse, unplug it then use cotton swabs dipped in rubbing alcohol.

Computer towers

Before you start cleaning your computer towers, disconnect the power source and all wires to avoid short-circuiting.

Next, take a slightly damp microfiber cloth and wipe down all sides. Be careful when cleaning the front and back, as these parts house sensitive ports and components.

Dust can also clog up cooling fans, causing them to stop working properly. This can potentially lead to other components overheating. To clean the insides of your computer tower, remove the casing with a screwdriver. Then, use a brush or short bursts of compressed air to remove accumulated dust.

Making sure your computer is clean and running optimally is important to staying productive at work. If you want more advice on how to optimize your IT, our technicians are here to help. Call us today.

If you are looking for an expert to help you find the best solutions for your business talk to GCInfotech about a free technology assessment

Published with consideration from TechAdvisory.org SOURCE